I constantly get asked where I get my tops and other clothes from. If you ever take a look at my YouTube comment section, the requests are everywhere. I decided That I will start to post my new outfits in the Featured Outfits section up at the top of the website. Not only can I share where I get them, but you can get them yourself and support the channel when you make a purchase using my link. Thank you all so much, and I hope this will be a fun thing to do and share with you guys.

Hi Lorry, I just want to thank you for all the information on plastic surgery you put out there. Especially important is the fact that it’s coming from a very dedicated and experienced consumer and patient. I have been experiencing a very rapid progression of aging factors which, frankly, have taken me by surprise. By age 41 I was feeling confident in that I still liked the contours of my face but by age 51 every important spot had slightly dropped and being the vane person that I am I really thought that was what I should look at age 60 and not 50! Reading your posts makes me feel I’m not alone in thinking that way. I feel very hipocrytical because I have a strong faith in the future and look forward to see, Better days ahead but at the moment this face aging is consuming my thoughts. I wish you were able to see my picture to just comment in what I am trying to achieve, which I don’t think is radical at all but ive been to 3 different surgeons and they keep sending me to lasers and fillers. I’m 52, and see examples of forty somethings being given brow lifts so. Don’t know why this is happening. Maybe it’s because I’m not assertive enough. Or maybe because the doctors I’ve seen are not capable of doing what I want . Anyway, I don’t share this with anyone but my husband and you know how that goes. He’s supportive but doesn’t see the need. Anyway, I see your videos and feel a friend is talking to me. Thank you so much!!